Tuesday, March 13, 2007


After 13+ hours over two days, the university and I have reached a "mutually satisfactory" settlement. Part of the nature of EEOC mediation is that the process and details of settlement cannot be discussed. Joanne and I are grinning and I am hoping to do some consulting and speaking (hopefully eventually for income), write a book, and do ongoing lobbying for changes in the laws and societal responses related to transgender people. I may also teach some. Keep us in your prayers as we continue to seek to be faithful to God's leading in our lives.

Joanne and I met with an auditorium full of Eastern Michigan University students (mostly) and some faculty last night. We told our story for about 45 minutes and then answered questions for nearly an hour. Near the end of the time, a student stood up and made a statement instead of asking a question. She said, "The two of you have changed my life forever. I now have a new definition of love." Moments like that make the occasional hassles all worthwhile.


MgS said...


It's time to move on, and put the constraints and strictures imposed by those so threatened by your transition behind you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Julie,

Paul Jacobelli here. You may remember me from the early eLearning days when I was with eCollege. I saw the article in Inside Higher Ed today and followed the various links to other related stories and this blog. This now explains one small mystery. I was trying to reach you sometime back to serve as a reference and was never able to make contact. Wondered where you had gone. Mystery solved.

Very glad to see that this has all been resolved. Very sorry to see that you cannot remain involved with the program you worked so hard to nuture and build. Having watched you grow that program for several years I know how much you loved your work. Not to worry. There are dozens of online schools that would welcome your talents and leadership.

Best to you and your family. Very glad to know that all is good once again.


Anonymous said...

This is Roxanne from TGChristians.
Sandra shared on the list that you and Joanne had 'grin-worthy' news, so I came onto your son's blog to see if there was more to tell. I understand the agreement requires silence but I wanted to tell you that I am happy for you both.

As many discover when they are reluctantly thrust into the public arena, it becomes an opportunity to show God's grace, even through significant trials. May God bless you, your spouse and family richly in Christ's peace and love.
Love, Roxanne Ross

Bruce_Almighty said...

Julie and Joanne,

I couldn't be happier for you. Perhaps you can't answer this, but I'll ask it anyways. Do you get a sense that SAU learned something in the process which will make it easier for folks such as yourself? Was it worth the battle to you and Joanne? In hindsight, would you have rather just packed up and moved to a more accepting community?

Anonymous said...

Dear Roxanne,

My understanding is that Julie decided to bring this issue to a public arena him/herself and was not thrust into it reluctantly.

I have also been troubled by the grin-worthy news comment. Just gives me an uneasy feeling that money and getting attention were more important in this issue than anything else.


DC Nemesis said...


I'm certain the relief is more than just getting attention and money. If that were the case, my parents would have taken the longer route and gone to court (where they could probably get more money and certainly get more attention). I think the grin is probably one of relief that my parents (and others in my family) can put this chapter behind them and look forward. Before the settlement there was a lot of uncertainty about when and how this would all be resolved. Now the uncertainty is gone (and soon the feeling of being in the middle of the spotlight).

Anonymous said...

dc nemesis,

Thanks for clarifying this. Like I said, it was just a nagging feeling, and feelings are not always correct.

I wish your family peace,


Anonymous said...


I would love to send you an email at your personal address. Email me so we can catch up when we have a free minute.


Maribeth Ignatowicz

Autumn Sandeen said...

I'm glad this is working out. Julie, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.


Julie Nemecek said...

Hi all. Here are my catch-up responses all at once.

Grog, Roxanne, and Autumn – Thanks for your support and thanks. It has been a very busy and tough path and we ar glad that we have reached a “mutually satisfying” resolution.

Paul – I certainly do remember you and am sorry I was not able to get you a reference. I hope things are going well for you and your bride. I am now in the job market and may be asking you for a reference! I am hoping to do some consulting and public speaking that will pay enough to do some advocacy and information meetings that don’t pay. Anybody that has business contacts that might be interested in a very informed and experienced diversity consultant, contact me at Julie.nemecek@comcast.net.

Bruce (I have a hard time adding the “almighty” part sometimes but I do like it – especially lowercase) – I know that SAU has learned some things in this process. Whether what they have learned will help them grow or insulate themselves even more from real people remains to be seen. If I had it to do over again, I would do it again in a heartbeat. The new blog letter I have posted explains some of this, but the real reasons is that Joanne and I sought, sensed, and followed God’s leading in this. We did what we felt and believed God called us to do.

DCnemesis – Your brilliant insight is “spot on”. (It must be a genetic trait.) Our smiles are that it is over and we believe our two goals in going to the media have been achieved: many now know much more about transgender issues and we were ultimately treated with fairness and justice. Your great blog certainly helped!

Katie- We were very reluctant in pressing this issue as you will understand more from the new blog entry. We were in a very powerless situation where we felt we were being wronged. Our only defenses were the truth and the media. I never sought the media attention that came our way. They sought us and we simply answered their questions. Admittedly, I only turned down one interview (a sensationalist TV show) but did all the others because I am committed to using every opportunity I have to help people understand this neuron-biological condition and the necessity of treating people with basic fairness.

Maribeth – I have emailed you and look forward to catching up.


Anonymous said...

if this is a medical condition where the mind and body are at odds as to gender, why not seek treatment to bring the mind into alignment with the body?

Anonymous said...

Wait til you see what's coming from the other side of the issue. There seems to be quite a uprising against SAU and its payout to extortionist Nemecek. Some students have left the college because of the blackmail to "Satan's 'lil minion".

SAU should have fought! The Word is on their side! If for any other reason, Nemecek will be heading for hell on judgement day for "grinning" all the way to the bank! THERE lies the REAL reason for all of this. The sin of GREED!
