Saturday, February 10, 2007

CitPat Runs Follow-up Article

The story has again made front page in Jackson. They even mention this blog. I won't ramble about it this time, I'll just give you the link. You can tell me what you think in the comments section.


DeniseUMLaw said...

I'm just pleased that at least this time they referred to you as "she". :)

Julie Nemecek said...

Me too. I had a talk with the reporter about this and he intentionally ran with "he" stuff the first time just to avoid confusion (since my legal name is still John - for a few more days :)). The reporter has been very supportive and is committed to getting it right.

This has not been true for every interiew I did this past week (2 TV interviews, 2 live radio interviews, and 5 print media interviews) but most have done a credible job.

Anonymous said...

Several thoughts when I read this article from MLive. It appears that your dad (or would it be politically more correct to say your second mom?) is very much enjoying the limelight he/she is receiving (i.e. people are blogging me in Europe, I am doing all these interviews etc.). Why was it so necessary for him to go public with this? I would assume that he knew how this issue can be used to create a huge battleground. Where is the humility?

Another question: why is it so necessary to wear make-up and feminine jewelry in the first place? May God forgive me if I am passing unfair judgment here, but this unnecessary adornment is a sign of vanity. True, so many women are doing the same thing, but this also is vanity.

Finally, it is very easy to support or further one's cause when we rely on scripture alone. I could as easily claim that I have prayed about this and find some verses from the Scripture to support my belief that what your father/mother is doing is not “Biblical” and we can argue about who is right and who is not until the end of time. I'll leave it with that.

It's definitely not an easy situation for either side, but I still can't see a reason why he/she had to announce this to the whole world...(unless he wanted to get the attention and the support of certain activist groups)...

Julie Nemecek said...

My purpose in going public was not to attract activist groups but to simply identify the illegal and unethical behavior of the unversity. Treated fairly, I would not have become a feminist activist.

FYI I don't wear makeup or jewelry all the time. I enjoy both and do both when it is appropriate for what I am doing that day.ngsdh

Anonymous said...

It really saddens me how you label SAU as being illegal and unethical. Things are so black and white for you. There are many people who view your recent decisions and behaviors as unethical, but this doesn't seem to matter to you because you have made up your mind that there is not even a possibility that your behavior could be morally unacceptable. You only seem to care about proving your rights, even if it means shattering SAU and others. Self-righteousness shines through big and bright. Like someone said, you don't seem to mind being the center of attention.

DC Nemesis said...

anonymous - I still call her "Dad" as that is the biological role that she played in bringing me about. I don't think my father wants to shatter SAU. He has worked there for 16 years, and has many friends there. Taking a position of opposition in a legal struggle does not mean you seek the other side's utter distruction.

Is there something wrong about enjoying the "limelight"? I don't get it. If part of what you are doing is trying to spread the word about what happened, the fact that people see it is an indicator of success. Is it wrong to celebrate success?

If it were not black and white from my father's perspective regarding this case, I don't think he would have gone ahead with it. Law tends to be black and white - guilty or not guilty. Ethics can be a gray area, but things like asking someone to lie about who they are to protect your own image, that seems pretty straight forward.

Julie Nemecek said...

m.n. - It is not a label. If necessary, I will prove that SAU has acted both illegally and immorally. I can't be responsible for how others might see me. I am saddened when people select labels for me without first trying to understand my medical condition. I am doing what I am doing to keep SAU from losing its historic Christian identity in being for the oppressed and to help it honor its own published committment to diversity. I hope to remain at SAU until I retire. I don't relish the limelight but I won't shy away from getting the message of God's love and acceptance of me and others like me out into the open.