Thursday, February 22, 2007

Media and Mediation

I'm wondering what effect media coverage of this will affect the mediation session that is less than two weeks away. The story refuses to die down (recently hitting Internet mega-site BoingBoing). Will SAU be too irate with the coverage to offer any deal? I could also see SAU being compelled to seek a quicker solution, before the story gets any bigger. Less than two weeks remain until the mediation, but for today's media, that is like an eternity. I'm interested to know what others think on this.


Julie Nemecek said...

I don't think the story will die down because people are genuinely upset at the injustice. The Detroit News is working on a major story as well as a major national paper. I have been asked to serve on the board of a Michigan civil rights group and another group has asked me to meet with state legislators. I really do believe that God is at work in this in trying to help the body of Christ embrace the love He has called us to model.

As to what SAU will do, I am hoping that they will have the courage to realize that their actions were legally and Biblically outside the bounds of propriety and respond accordingly.

Allyson Dylan Robinson said...

These are such exciting opportunities, Julie! I'm encouraged that so many are beginning to see discrimination based upon gender identity as a civil rights/human rights issue.

Once again...thank you for doing what you're doing.

Anonymous said...

Is this website an appopriate place to ask you questions about GID? If so, I'd like to ask a few, but wanted to make sure this was an okay forum for that.

DC Nemesis said...

Yes, please ask. If I can't answer them, my Dad probably can.

Julie Nemecek said...

Ask away.

Anonymous said...

Okay, here goes:

I've been researching GID since this story broke because I (like most, I imagine) was unfamiliar with the condition. I found this from the DSM:

"DSM-IV describes the criteria for gender identity disorder as an individual's strong and lasting cross-gender identification and their persistent discomfort with their biological gender role. This discomfort must cause a significant amount of distress or impairment in the functioning of the individual."

How is this diagnosed, other than evaluating one's feelings? I don't see any blood work or CAT scan revealing this disorder. All the person needs to do is identify with the other gender, right?

I understand some have said it could be due to a prenatal hormonal imbalance, but is there any way to scientifically judge that? Could this be a result of early sexual abuse? Or some family dysfunction?

Thanks for letting me ask my sincere questions.